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Drop-Ex Plus is our newest Explosive Detection and Identification Kit.
Now it is includes P.D.K. explosive field test kit and as a result could also detect improvized chlorates based and peroxide based explosive compounds. This system is based on the same reagents in Expray, but in a drop tube deliverable system, for ease of use during field and laboratory investigation.
This kit is also able to detect an additional category of explosives: chlorates. When using drop # 4 for detection of chlorates (also for bromides) this drop is used by itself and does not require drops # 1, 2, or 3 to precede it. If you are not sure what type of explosive you are testing for, you will need two samples.
The first sample can be tested using Drop-Ex 1, 2 and 3. The test for chlorates and bromides must be a separate test using Drop-Ex 4.Drop-Ex-1 for Group A Drop-Ex-1 is used to search for GROUP A type explosives which include TNT, Tetryl, TNB, DNT, picric acid and its salts.
To use, wipe suspected surface with special collector test paper. Drop with Drop-Ex-1. If a dark brown-violet color appears, this indicates the presence of TNT