Ovulation Predictor Test Kit predicts the time a woman is most able to become pregnant. The Ovulation Predictor is a kit to predict ovulation, thereby increasing chances of pregnancy. Ovulation Predictor is over 99% accurate in laboratories and greater than 96% accurate in consumer home.
It quickly and accurately detects the increase in luteinizing hormone in your urine (LH Surge), which normally occurs 12-36 hours before ovulation.You are most likely to become pregnant if you have intercourse within 36 hours after you detect your LH Surge.
The Ovulation Predictor is simple to use, and has enough test kits for seven days. With the Ovulation Predictor Test Kit, you may do this test at any time of the day, but you should test at approximately the same time each day.
Reduce your liquid intake for 2 hours before testing.Ovulation tests is very easy to read: one line tells you the test is working. The appearance of a second line that is similar or darker in color than the first line means that you should ovulate within 12-36 hours.Ovulation Predictor Test Kit includes:
- 6 Ovulation predictor tests
- 1 pregnancy test
- Ovulation predictor tests kit instruction
- Pregnancy and ovulation tests instructions